The Invincible CEO

Client Testimonials





Do you have a Client Win or an Experience You'd like to share working with Dede Powerniak ~ The Invincible CEO? 

Please share below! Please mention the type of win or experience you have had (Event, Program, 1 on 1, etc.)

Thank you so much!

Clients' Wins & Testimonials:

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Jumpoff Into Your Wish Fulfilled Attendee

"When Dede says she wants you to "win, win big, and win all the time," she means it. The Jumpoff Into Your Wish Fulfilled event exceeded all expectations, delivering on every promise and then some. Dede is a skillful teacher.

After 2 transformative days, I had the clarity and skills to confidently and consciously manifest my desires and dreams even bigger than before! I give you permission to shorten this or make editorial changes.

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Rafaa Lenormand - 

Jumpoff Into Your Wish Fulfilled Attendee

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Jumpoff Into Your Wish Fulfilled Attendee

Dede showed up on my YouTube page, and normally, I don't watch any and every manifestation coach. I don't even know why I clicked, but I liked her; I know what she was talking about attitude from that first video.

I started applying simple things that she mentioned that I had never heard of, and they worked and gave me more confidence. I did her 2-day event, even though I thought I didn't need it. It was easy and fun, and the time went by so quickly.

Since this event, I have been in utter peace and profound gratitude for all I have. I am more confident in commanding my reality and always feel safe because she says, "If I am safe in my reality, then why imagine horrible things?". All her videos are gems, so imagine working with her, and as she says, she is the last manifestation coach you will ever need.

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Declan Oceguera -    

CEO, The Visonary Voyager

"Dede has shown me mastery-level layers to concepts I've long known & practiced. I finally feel like I've burst through to a new aligned version of who I AM. It's like Jedi Master training.

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Shari Alyse - America's Joy Magnet

"Dede will not let you hide from yourself and your power. If you’re ready to feel unlimited, boundless, and like anything is possible, run to her and be prepared to fly!"

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Robert C. Stern -

CEO, The Social Leader

Dede will help you rethink your inner motives and vision. She helps you tap into your pure thoughts about the universe that you live in."

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Terry Pappy - CEO, Better 3

I've been in business for over 15 years; during working with Dede, new business opportunities began surfacing around the direction of my work.  Since then m,y business has shifted & expanded, allowing me to help people in ways neI ever imagined & it's blowing my mind.

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Irena Skoda, CEO Skoda Designs

I can't help but feel appreciation for Dede. Her guidance allowed me to change my thinking to a higher energy level.  I now know I attract a new level of clients. Dede taught me to be free & in the flow!

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Sara Dowling -

Executive at Survey Monkey

Dede has this magical way of looking into your soul. Using wit & intelligence, she has a unique ability to shine a spotlight on the endless possibilities ahead.  

For me she helped create clarity & momentum. We plowed through roadblocks & created new excitement on my journey to success, peace & happiness. Denise helped me level up in life more ways than I could imagine.

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Dr. Margaret Evanow, PhD, LPCC

World’s Premiere Quantum Psychologist

Dede is powerful and direct! She helps you cut through the junk you can get weighed down by and teaches you to hold your vision/dream/goal center stage, thereby moving mountains! If you want to catapult into your best version of life, Denise is your “secret weapon.

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Ravi Toor - Executive Coach

"Dede is a phenomenal coach and unlike any other. I need accurate results, proper accountability, and someone who calls me on my bs when I least want it. Denise delivered and more. 

I now understand my authenticity, my personal power, and my invincibility. This has resulted in accelerated, positive business and life impacts. 

Denise goes beyond the surface level to deliver results and shows you how to maintain and evolve even after our work is done. If you're considering working with Denise, get ready to change your life for the better radically.

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Tina Pittman CPA

CEO of Your Accountant

I recommend Dede Powerniak to help business owners transform their businesses. She can transform a person's ego into positive results—no more salesy language.

With the use of your own energy, you become a client magnet with ease. I have tried other coaches, but they wanted me to be them. Denise promotes being your own brand. No need to worry about your competition. Many potential clients are looking for you!!! You will be forever changed!

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Edina Fogarasi

Dede is one of a kind, a breath of fresh air; she is very knowledgeable and focused. She is magic, a ball of incredible energy! She opened my eyes to limitless possibilities and guided me toward my personal growth, helping me make my dreams come true and be a better version of myself!



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Elise Ivy - QVC Host

I've studied with Dede on and off for about a year and a half now and I'm continually impressed by her scope of knowledge and her passion for sharing and teaching life-changing information.

I've had the luxury of taking her group classes and having a one-on-one sessions with her, and in both cases, I was able to manifest specific things into my life within a short amount of time by working with Denise. She gives you the skills and the confidence to go after your dreams.

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Schroeder Nordholt ~ CEO, Mic Dro 


Dede is the best. She will work and challenge you on all levels, making you unlearn what you thought you knew about the Way Things Are.

Her work is rooted in the energetic plane and will have ripples in your personal and business lives. She shows her true invincibility daily as she walks through her real challenges with ease and grace, which seem unbelievable and unrealistic to most, and she still manages to show up more than any  other coach I've worked with or heard of. She's 100% transparent and available personally above and beyond and beyond and above.

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Marcella Canfarotta - Professor, Temple University

She is fantastic! Denise is kind and the real deal. She has helped me (& others in my family) reconnect and rediscover the person I was meant to be! She gently guides, instructs & leads you towards self-realization and growth.

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Shari Sambursky

I've continued working with Dede, as her support is undying. Each conversation with her connects me with a new way of thinking and awarenesses that give me the power to shift my life.
She is extremely supportive and her work is thought-provoking. I have experienced great shifts in my thinking as a result of her 2-day events.
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Marianna Ruiz - CEO, Impact Driven Entrepreneur 

Dede is the coach you have always dreamed of. She is a master at helping you unblock your subconscious mind so you can get out of your way and achieve your goals. She blends health and energy brilliantly and will catapult your results!

To Schedule a 1 on 1 Session with Dede!

The Invincible CEO Client Testimonial Videos