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3 Levels Of Dream Interpretation To Unlock The Hidden Gems In Your Subconscious

create your own reality dede powerniak dream interpretation dreams energetic alchemy energetic foundations hidden gems subconscious mind the invincible ceo℠

Dreams are more than images or impressions that appear during sleep. In the grand paradox of dreaming, dreaming isn't about sleeping but represents your true awakening to hidden wisdom buried deep within your Subconscious Mind.


You are conditioned to believe that when your eyes are open and consciously aware. However, most people walk around on autopilot, barely thinking for themselves or knowing themselves. Their eyes may technically be honest, but they are not awake.


Dreams have this ability for your Higher Self or your Divine Spirit to have an inner dialogue with you while your conscious mind is asleep.


Why are dreams hard to remember?


While you sleep, you surrender your Ego Identity and its logic. In your dream state, you dive deep into your subconscious mind's glorious abyss. The rules and laws of the logical world do not exist. Time and linear thoughts melt away. Superpowers emerge, and your infinite creativity explodes.


Dreams live in the Eternal Moment of Now and are closer to your true nature of reality than your everyday awake life. Dreams happen in real-time. You are the creator of your dreams. Therefore, goals can only be understood by you.


Reclaim your Inner Super Powers



Your Dreams are your gateway to many solutions you search for while awake, but your Ego, Conscious Mind, will not allow you to recognize them. While asleep, your Subconscious Mind speaks to you symbolically and metaphorically through repetition, ceremony, and feelings.


To make sure to get the most out of your Interpretation and teach your Conscious Mind to cooperate, ensure you understand the following 3 Levels of Dream Interpretation. For each level, we will use the example of dreaming you must go to the bathroom.


Level 1: Literal Interpretation


Literal Interpretation is always the first to employ since it may have immediate physical implications. If you are dreaming, you must go to the bathroom; chances are you physically feel those sensations, and it would be in your best interest to leave the dream and go to the bathroom. Once the literal Interpretation is met, the Dreamer's Ego may dissuade with a logical suggestion that the dream's meaning is understood. Ignore and continue to the next level.


Level 2: Collective or Societal Interpretation


This is the interpretation level that most people start and finish their dream interpretation journey. This level has the individual Dreamer looking outside themselves for meaning. People often will turn to dream interpretation websites or books. These sites and textbooks usually have the sense that most people, if asked, would collectively say the purpose or possibly a meaning passed down for generations without the proper source known.


Desperate to understand their dream signs, most people will sacrifice their understanding of themselves for collective experience. Since their daytime conditioning often reflects listening to "experts or groups" over their inner dialogue, the Dreamer accepts the information on the dream sites and books as accurate. 

In our example, the Collective Interpretation of dreaming about going to the bathroom would be interpreted as follows: the Dreamer must let go or release something involving the overall theme of the dream that no longer is needed but has been carried around within.


You can unlock your hidden subconscious powers with these techniques.


Once this interpretation level is found, the Dreamer's Conscious Mind will halt further exploration, unaware that the next level is vital to the Dreamer unlocking the hidden gems buried deep within their Subconscious Mind. The next level requires some internal investigation and raw honesty with oneself. It may be more time-consuming and not necessarily as obvious as looking up the answer on a website.


Level 3: Personal Interpretation


Personal Interpretation requires the Dreamer to ask, "What do this dream and its dream signs mean to me?" To avoid any thought contamination, I highly recommend The Collective Interpretation be skipped and utilized only if needed after the Personal Interpretation is understood.


The Dreamer's Level 3 Personal Interpretation may match perfectly with the Level 2 Collective's answer, or it may not. The Personal Interpretation should not be used as a "guessing game" to reach the Collective Interpretation.

Many Dreamers will make a Personal Interpretation and immediately follow up by checking a dream site to see if they "got it right" instead of stepping into their power by owning the meaning of their dream signs. Personal Interpretations are relative to the Dreamer's current life experience and may change many times during their lifetime.


In our bathroom dream example, the Personal Interpretation utilized by me when my five children were young suggested that something needed my attention immediately because of the impromptu meetings held by my children while I was on the toilet. They always found me if I wasn't quick enough to lock the door.

Since my children are older, and I am now uninterrupted during those moments, my Interpretation would change to mean I need time to re-center.


Now it's your turn


Pick one of your dreams and use the above three levels to diving deep into the delicious hidden gems buried within your Subconscious Mind. Allow your Conscious Mind to direct your Interpretation to satisfy your understanding of this inner language and its wisdom, patiently waiting to be uncovered to guide you to your wildest dreams.

If you would like to learn HOW to interpret your dreams, please join us on

~ Dede

Dream Interpretation Download: Click here


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