




Zero Point Activation For Manifestation
Discovering Zero Point Activation: Emptying the Mind to Manifest Your Dreams


Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the constant chatter in your mind? Do you wish you could just clear your thoughts and focus on what truly matters? If so,...

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Dreams: Discovering the Hidden Treasures

Dreams hold the hidden treasures of your self-inquiry and self-discovery.  Your Subconscious Mind is infinite and contains all the answers to questions you have already asked and those you do not know to ask.

Dream Interpretation is the Master Key to unlocking those...

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Connecting to Your Heart Chakra

Connecting to Your Heart Chakra - Anahata 

The Heart Chakra is the 4th Chakra, located at the center of the Seven Chakra System. It is where the physical and spiritual come together. Situated in the center of the chest, it corresponds to the Heart, your lungs, the...

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Deep Breathing Alignment

Benefits of Deep Breathing

Would you be surprised, as a Personal Trainer, Nutritionist, Reiki Master, & Business Coach, the number one reminder I give my clients daily is the command to BREATHE & BREATHE DEEP? Not just any breath, but to permit yourself to connect...

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Defining You as the CEO (Chief Energetic Officer)

You are the CEO (CHIEF ENERGETIC OFFICER) of your business and your life! Tag you're it! You are the Ground Zero Energy Point of all vibrations originating and emanating from you.

Your business is a direct projection and a mirrored reflection of...

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Happy Holidays From Our Heart To Yours!

Hello Invincible!

As I sit here in the Energy of Peace & Joy, I feel the deep appreciation for you and all you do!

Thank you for sharing your journey with me & The Invincible CEO Team!

Enjoy your time, family and friends, and delicious food, and energetic...

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Permission Granted: Take Time Each Morning to Connect to You

Self-care is essential to every CEO's life, whether you are the CEO of a multi-million dollar company, an upstart, or your family. You go with the flow and have all the energy needed to get through your day with plenty to share. You energetically manifest...

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The Person With The Highest Awareness Wins


Energetic Mindset (your intuition) is not your typical Mindset. This Mindset transcends conscious thought. Energetic Mindset is experienced through the energetic feels/sensation in your body in the present moment. This energy brings awareness that is known...

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