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My Personal Transformation = The Invincible CEO℠ Energetic Foundation

activate align anchor awareness conscious creator dede powerniak energetic alchemy energetic foundations energetic mindset exercise level up nutrition passion personal transformation purpose the invincible ceo℠ weightloss

I’m going to let you in on the secret. Maybe you are already aware. I make things up as I go along. What you may not realize, you do too. The bigger question arrives when you ask yourself, “Are you making things up through awareness or by default on autopilot? This will then determine if you or a conscious creator of your reality thinks life happens for you versus the default creator that believes you have no control over your world and life happens to you.


On most days, there is a method to my madness. On other days, there is just pure madness! Either way, I’m making things up through my acute awareness with passion and purpose. My life does not happen to me. Life happens for me because of me and because I am consciously creating my reality.



In 2009, I transformed my body by losing 80 pounds by my 40th birthday in August. I had seven months and one week to complete this transformation. This was my 6th attempt since 2005. I would lose between 20 – 30 pounds in the other five previous attempts. Something would happen that would make me stop or, better stated, make me decide to stop, usually involving sacrificing myself to help another. On the 6th attempt, through more considerable awareness, I made sure it was different.


Nothing, and no one was going to stop me. I still do not know how this change would happen, but I knew that this 6th time would be different. Not only did I know it was a done deal, but I felt the completion even before I started.


I took each meal, each workout, each cardio session, and each temptation one by one. The only thing that mattered to me was what was happening in the current NOW moment because that moment was precisely where my decision power resided. I was in the flow, fine-tuning my decisions, thoughts, actions, and feelings between the fluctuations of what worked for me and what didn’t.



I have often been asked to develop a transformational blueprint or formula to help others do the same. After much time, reflection, and rough drafts, I have created a new transformational program I want to share with you: The Invincible CEO.℠ 


I help you energetically align day by day, step-by-step, action by action, releasing thoughts so that you can transform any or all parts of your trinity of mind, body, and spirit while applying these energetic methods to the growth and expansion of your business.


You cannot take yourself out of your business or your business separate for your passion and purpose; it was designed to help you:



I have been helping people make better choices for the last 25+ years. We will address both the conscious and subconscious minds while helping you tap into the language of your heart (your Heart Song). The desire to change and transform is powerful.


Without proper awareness, focus, motivation, commitment, and support, most people will have their transformations fizzle out within four weeks of starting. Each day will build on the previous day while slowly building a solid foundation for change to build sold traction.


Please check out our Store & Sign Up pages here to see if we have a program or service that is an energetic fit for you.

~ Dede


Inspired Action Steps to Continue Our Conversation Together:

  •  Schedule a Coaching Call, VIP Day, or Begin a Coaching Program: CLICK HERE
  •  Check out the DIY yourself Energetic Mindset Solution Course on sale now. CLICK HERE